The art of Chinese painting that the world is familiar with, is mostly an artistic impression based on antique relics. In fact, in China, classical painting techniques have been passed down for millennia and have grown into a complete system of art, however, contemporary Chinese art, too, has shone brightly through the changing times. Tyfon Culture is one of the leaders in this field of art. Based on traditional art exhibitions, art salons and galleries, Tyfon Culture is devoted to developing art technology applications, including e-commerce, art forensic blockchains, art big data and other technology-enabled systems, to gradually expand the Chinese contemporary art market. The aim is to support more artists and artworks in China and around the world, providing an enjoyable and intimate experience for the public and connecting collectors with their favorite artists and artworks.
Tyfon Art e-commerce platform, created by Tyfon Culture, is a renowned trading platform for paintings in China. According to a report by Frost & Sullivan, a global business growth consultancy, in 2019, Tyfon Culture ranked second among all art trading platforms in China by transaction value of contemporary Chinese paintings, with a 13.7% market share. From 2017-2019, its annual agency service revenues were US$6,486,100, US$11,662,300 and US$18,180,500 respectively, representing 99.5%, 99.9% and 99.4%. Of these, the revenues from new painting agency services accounted for 69.4%, 80% and 71.7% respectively.
Tyfon Culture acts as an agent, using physical art salons and art exhibitions, plus online art platforms to match the needs of sellers and buyers of contemporary Chinese paintings. Tyfon Culture's physical art salons, art exhibitions and online platforms include exhibitions and art trading and collecting services. We offer a full range of agency services including first-hand painting agency services (i.e., providing agency services to help artists sell their new contemporary Chinese paintings); and second-hand painting agency services (i.e., providing agency services to owners of paintings (not the artists who created them) to resell their contemporary Chinese paintings). In addition to agency services, we also provide ancillary services, including planning and organizing art events for companies and training programs for external sales.
From 2017-2019, Tyfon Culture's total revenue increased by 79.0% from US$43 million in 2017 to US$12 million in 2018 and further increased by 56.3% to US$18 million in 2019. Currently, Tyfon Culture has achieved profitability, and the Company's total earnings and net income for 2017 to 2019 were US$2 million, US$4 million and US$7 million, respectively. Tyfon Culture focuses on the area of contemporary Chinese paintings, cooperates with the national China Artists Association, represents the artworks of outstanding contemporary Chinese artists in the China Artists Association, and maintains good relationships with galleries, museums, painting and calligraphy institutes, and art exhibitions worldwide.
With the globalization of the digital economy, Tyfon Culture has launched an Internet-based intellectual property trading platform - "Fengchain ArtTree" - which provides international art copyright trading services with blockchain technology at its core, along with the integration process of world copyright protection. The high-quality Chinese artists contracted by Tyfon Culture are able to provide copyrighting technology for exquisite Chinese paintings, enabling people around the world to enjoy Chinese culture.
The ARTkey Blockchain art authentication system developed by Tyfon Culture has been filed with the State Internet Information Office of China and is the first blockchain technology system for Chinese artworks to be put on the market. It is a major achievement of Tyson Culture in the field of art technology, providing decentralized and immutable authentication of artworks, and providing an independent and traceable professional identity for artists.
Tyfon Culture believes that digitalization is the only way to bring transparency and fairness to the art market. We are working endlessly to provide artists with a broader platform to sell their artworks and are committed to promoting artists to every corner of the world, as well as providing art lovers and collectors with a richer and more convenient art experience.
"Let there be no unsold paintings in the world"!