What if with a cool head one could objectively outline the panorama of Tenke Fungurume Mining.
Located in one of the regions best endowed with mineral resources and being one of the greatest investments in the history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, TFM has by nature a vital role to play. Indeed, the company plays this role with responsibility and insight. The footprints it intends to leave in her exploitation are an eloquent reflection of this.
Ensuring sustainable development
TFM's intervention in the community has many sides. With an investment of 230 million US dollars since 2006, of which 7.43 million US dollars were received during the first three quarters of 2021, this intervention touches the key areas of the life of the community with the aim of ensuring sustainable development. These include education, health, agriculture, infrastructure, etc.
Education was one of the first concerns the company tackled as it entered the region. Without delay, the industry started to take off. Schools emerged in 2006: the Mkombozi primary school in Fungurume and the Ubora primary school in Tenke.
Ms. Kyungu Léonie, former director of Mkombozi, testifies during a program broadcast on local television channels. “With the advent of TFM, the school has regained its value. And we teachers, without any constraint, all lined up and went back to observe punctuality and righteousness. It is just the presentable physical aspect of the school infrastructure, the better working conditions that have been a factor". Ms. Kyungu confirms that TFM has revolutionized the industry. The company has democratized education by making it accessible to all sections of the community. And since then, that momentum of TFM has remained relentless. Since 2006, more than 20 schools have been built throughout the concession as a result.
The actions of the company have a visible repercussion in the community, Therefore the students receiving the university scholarship from the Social Fund strongly anticipate that the youth beneficiaries of this scholarship would become the capital to revitalize the Tengke and Fungurume communities.
The Social Fund, which finances this exchange, is established on the basis of the allocation of 0.3% of the net proceeds from the sale of TFM metals. To date, contributions to the Fund amount to 51.84 million US dollars, of which 4.88 million US dollars has been allocated in the first three quarters of 2021. The Fund is led by representatives from the communities of Tenke and Fungurume, the provincial government and TFM.
Contributing to the local economy sustainably
To boost the economic development of the region, TFM offered Congolese entrepreneurs and suppliers the opportunity to collaborate in many areas, namely the supply of automotive spare parts, the provision of mechanical and manufacturing services, the supply of fuel, greases & oils, gas, electrical & mechanical equipment, IT equipment & office supplies, laboratory equipment, various paints, rental of transport buses, supply of labor and support for ore crushing operations.
In the recent past, several local entrepreneurs from Greater Katanga participated in the editions of the Supplier Summit, an initiative of TFM with the objective of offering more opportunity and exchange of products and services, representing a true B2B between SMEs.
The most recent engagement with the communities of the concession is the start of the execution of the specifications. During the month of October 2021, the filing and opening bids were carried out as part of the implementation of TFM's specifications. Nearly 200 entrepreneurs bid for the 14 projects selected for the year in the execution of this community engagement.
【The bid opened with all bidders watched.】The bid opening process took place under the supervision of the bidder. These formed an ad hoc bureau composed of three members, namely a president, a secretary and a rapporteur, who led the process together with experts from the community development department of TFM. Transparency and rigor were the key words of the work.
In this atmosphere, some entrepreneurs have spoken. “Each company was entitled to two bids. We tendered for Kafwaya Primary School and for the Lukotola Tembo - Mwanga Kakunta road, a 4.8 km dirt road. Among the 46 companies that bid for Kafwaya Primary School, we are one of the 15 that get selected. The counting took place in full transparency”, testifies Gloire Mukyakala Kalunga, technical director of Beket Holding, who is very confident.
As people flood into the concession areas,,TFM is committed to equipping women and girls with local entrepreneurship. In Lumbwe village, with the Community Social Fund, about 100 women and young people received more than a year of training in local entrepreneurship focused on literacy and savings.
Véronique Mukabe, beneficiary of the training, is clearly moved and cannot hide her joy," I am very delighted. Thanks to this TFM literacy and savings training, I am now able to read and write. This will help me a lot to run my business well. "
The staff testifies
Employment is a key barometer for community and nation development. In this regard, TFM has created thousands of direct and indirect jobs, thereby contributing to the decline in the unemployment rate in the region. TFM's labor force is mainly national, which also represents more than 90%.
TFM not only puts people at the center of its activities, but also encourages emulation among employees. TFM's general management has implemented a new “Best Employee of the Month” as the incentive tool. Launched in December 2019, this initiative has delighted several employees who have distinguished themselves by their performance. They were awarded by the general management and did not hide their joy when receiving this mark of distinction.
Beyond the Best Employee of the Month award and any other incentive, Gabriel Ipanga, mine supervisor who we met during the operation, was able to have a little break to express himself, “I am Gabriel Ipanga, married and father of four children. I have been at TFM since 2011. I started out as a tipper operator at the mine. Two years ago I was elevated to the rank of pit supervisor. I am proud to be a TFM agent. This work allowed me to carry out several projects. Particularly having a dream home, my children attend good schools in the province. "
TFM is a company that respects human dignity, as testified by Mr. Ambroise Kahilu, general supervisor of mine operations, “I have been part of the TFM company since 2008. I am married and the father of five children. I have a graduate degree in computer science and statistics from the Higher Institute of Statistics of Lubumbashi. I started as a dispatch supervisor in TFM. The company trained us before sending us to complete training on the Modular (Mining control and management system) in the United States. Here I have received several other trainings. These include training on leadership and mining. The list goes on and on. As for relations with colleagues, the collaboration is perfect. This guarantees good productivity. Respect for human dignity at TFM is essential, regardless of your rank. Respect is mutual. »
They continued: “For me, TFM remains an ideal company. Besides the production of copper and cobalt, the company promotes life, human rights; the salary is decent and allows us to solve our daily needs. TFM is a company for the future, we produce for generations to come while protecting the environment ".
A wind of excellence has just been breathed in by the new Chinese management to boost productivity and at the same time improve staff social conditions.
One of the country's biggest projects
We must give back to the community. According to the new mining law issued in 2018, TFM has developed a specification with the communities affected by its project, which refers to the social responsibility of enterprises to riparian communities. TFM has developed specifications with the communities affected by its project. TFM’s task list is 31.196 million US dollars, making it one of the largest in the country. And its implementation is spread over a period of five years starting from 2021.
As a reminder, the official signing of this five-year community plan took place in January 2021 in the presence of several politico-administrative personalities from the province and the country. And the final notification by the Mining Cadastre took place in July 2021.
Exemplary fiscal citizenship
TFM has distinguished itself with its exemplary fiscal citizenship. During the first three quarters of 2021, the company paid a net amount of approximately 384.18 million US dollars in tax and other related payments to the State Treasury and other public administrative services of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since the start of the project in 2006, these payments have totaled approximately 3.62 billion US dollars. They include income tax, royalty and other tax obligations, customs and related duties, social contributions and other social obligations, work permits, visas and other related payments.
The company will continue to support the national efforts led by the government. This is in line with TFM's philosophy: AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OF THE DRC.