2021-05-18 Cont.ws
Recently, a block chain public chain mining currency called "JAT"(Jumbo Advertising Talent,"Jat Chain") has become popular in the Blockchain World Community and the most influential Bitcoin community in the world, Bitcoin Talk, and has attracted global users’ attention. And hot discussion. According to first-hand information from the media, "JAT" is planned to be launched on the mainnet in May 2021. So what exactly is "JAT"? Why is it so concerned by all walks of life? Let us find out.
JAT(Jumbo Advertising Talent,"Jat Chain")
1. JAT (Jumbo Advertising Talent, "Jat Chain") is a global digital advertising blockchain public chain network based on "blockchain technology + smart contract + lightning precision touch technology + DAPP ecology".
Advertising is everywhere. In today's Internet age, digital advertising is even more pervasive in our lives and is inseparable. In this field with a global market size of hundreds of billions of dollars, due to the inherent mistrust of advertisers, traffic owners, and users, the traditional advertising triangle has brought about advertising fraud, advertising mismatches, and mismatches. Many worthless intermediate links such as false data and advertisement blocking have resulted in increased costs and reduced benefits for all parties. According to statistics, global advertisers lose more than 30 billion U.S. dollars due to advertising fraud each year; more than 50% of advertisers' advertising investment is consumed by ineffective intermediate links. Only 44% of the advertisements in the delivery data are real human-computer interaction, and the rest are mostly false user and click data. In terms of ad blocking, as many as 600 million users worldwide have downloaded ad blockers, and ads cannot be effectively displayed, etc.······
JAT network was born to solve the trust problem in the field of digital advertising. It uses the open and transparent, peer-to-peer transaction, smart contract, and decentralized characteristics of the blockchain to integrate the development of a series of technologies and ecological applications with digital advertising. Create an innovative blockchain global digital advertising public chain ecology. JAT, as a 100 billion-level digital advertising distribution token, realizes the point-to-point seamless link between advertisers and traffic individuals, creating an advertiser, advertising platform owner, and user three The trust network of advertisers can not only ensure the accuracy of advertisers’ advertising, and reward traffic owners and users, but also is expected to realize the authenticity of advertisements and the identification of consumption conversion paths. Streams will subvert the traditional advertising model and promote new blockchain marketing. revolution.、
2.JAT is an encrypted digital asset that uses the JAT-SHA512 innovative algorithm + IPOW information flow to prove the output of the mining reward mechanism.
The JAT public chain network adopts an innovative JAT-SHA512 algorithm based on the SHA-512 algorithm designed by the National Security Agency (NSA), which is widely used in digital advertising, data analysis, digital security, network security, digital certificates, etc. field.
JAT has made innovations and improvements on the mainstream POW mining mechanism, and proposed IPOW (Information Proof of Work) mining that is the information flow proof mechanism. That is, by connecting computing power equipment to the main chain network, and recording, confirming and circulating information on the main chain network through the information flow proof mechanism, the digital assets generated by the main chain network explosion block are obtained as rewards. This process is called IPOW mining. The greater the information flow of the proof, the higher the contribution value of the main chain network, and the higher the rewards obtained.
For users participating in JAT mining ("JAT miners"), the mining process actually continues to help establish a more open, stable and secure decentralized global advertising information flow public chain network. Users mining on the JAT network will make the information flow data on the network more distributed and safer and more stable.
As a JAT miner, in addition to enjoying industry-leading mining rewards, in the future, it is also expected to obtain additional benefits by providing valuable advertising information delivery services for the global digital advertising market.
3JAT is the future solution of digital advertising marketing, and a pioneer in the era of "on-chain advertising".
The development of the times is often accompanied by the optimization of industry efficiency and the increase of value output. Some ineffective links that cause continuous consumption of value output will eventually be eliminated, and the Internet era just confirms this. Issues such as ad fraud, ad mismatches, false data, ad blocking, and loss of intermediate links in online advertising are expected to be resolved in the JAT network.
The general trend: from "online advertising" to "chain advertising". Relying on "Jumpy encryption protocol + advertising micro-transaction system + advertising smart contract platform + multiple authentication mechanism", JAT will reshape the tripartite relationship between advertisers, traffic owners, and users, and solve advertising mismatches, traffic fraud, and traffic fraud in the development of digital advertising. Putting invalid and other pain points in the digital advertising industry, building a new digital advertising ecosystem, and promoting the new marketing revolution of the blockchain.
JAT official website model diagram
4.In the future, JAT may become an important settlement token in the hundreds of billions of global digital advertising in the "on-chain advertising era".
JAT (Jumbo Advertising Talent, "Jumbo Advertising Talent") is not only an encrypted digital asset, but also a public chain network ecology built around the global digital advertising field by various technologies and applications. In the future, advertisers from all over the world can place advertisements on the JAT network, accurately reach effective target customers and complete lightning settlement to achieve on-chain delivery. It can not only ensure the accuracy of advertisers' advertising, and reward traffic owners and users, but also it is expected to realize the traceability of advertisements and the identification of consumption conversion paths. JAT will also become an important circulation settlement token in the hundreds of billions of global digital advertising in the "on-chain advertising era".
According to US media reporter Jerry Glust, in the JAT economic model, the total circulation is 21 million, and will never be issued, 5% of which are one-time explosions, which are owned by the foundation and the developer team; the remaining 95% are JAT miners Mining burst output, of which 10% of the miner output is reserved for global community rewards. Under the public chain mechanism + physical mining machine mining reward mechanism with a small amount and never issued by JAT, it will provide an effective guarantee for the value development of JAT.
JAT(Jumbo Advertising Talent,"JAT Chain")
Can JAT set off a new wave of hashrate mining and become a star hashrate mining coin in 2021? In terms of landing applications, can it capture the $100 billion digital advertising market pie and become a market leader in "on-chain advertising"? This deserves our continued attention, so stay tuned.