2021-06-06 Azcentral
At 20:00 on June 6, 2021, FLLSwap launched the BSC ecological chain and started the creation of a liquidity pool. FllSwap-BSC will first launch USDT/FLL liquid mining, as well as BFLL/FLL, TPT/FLL, CSPC/FLL, USDT/FLL, WBNB/FLL pledge mining, today officially opened a new chapter in the liquidity mining community for dividends .
In March 2021, FllSwap detonated on the entire network with the community dividend system, which not only attracted the attention of many investors, but also attracted the Kylin community, Dharma community, Ninth Five-Year Alliance, Leibao Community, Charlotte Community, Squirrel Community, etc. Hundreds of high-quality community applications will enter the community and create alliances to provide liquidity after FllSwap is launched. At the same time, it has attracted the attention of investment institutions. Since the establishment of the project, FllSwap has received seeds from more than a dozen institutions such as Coin Capital, Encrypted Capital, CSPC Foundation, Anze Capital, Hello Captial, Chuangshi Community, Beiming Community, etc. Round investment. And FllSwap passed the security audit of two professional organizations, Beijing Lian'an and Armors, in April 2021.
FllSwap project algorithm principle
FllSwap, a new generation of decentralized trading platform developed based on BinanceChain, is called Future Link League, which is intended to freely create alliances, jointly govern and share the alliance economy in the future decentralized world. The project mainly solves the shortcomings of the current decentralized AMM transaction mechanism of impermanent loss and high slippage and high cost. FllSwap optimizes the algorithm and introduces the CFMM constant mean function algorithm to minimize the impermanence loss. And combine it with the community dividend mechanism. And through the community dividend model to increase the liquidity pool fund reserves and reduce the cost of slippage of the transaction. It aims to develop a user-friendly user-friendly platform that is easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to promote.
• FllSwap algorithm model
The basis of the FllSwap transaction function is a surface defined by constraining the value function V (a function of pool weight and balance) to a constant value. The surface means the spot price of each point, so that no matter what transaction is performed, the value share of each token in the asset pool remains the same.
This value function V is defined as:
Among them, t represents the range of tokens in the asset pool; Bt is the balance of tokens in the pool, and Wt is the normalized weight of the token, so the sum of all normalized weights is 1. By making V constant, we can define A constant value surface.
• Liquidity provision formula
The asset pool can aggregate liquid funds provided by multiple different users. In order to enable them to freely access assets from the asset pool, the FllSwap protocol introduces the concept of asset pool tokens. The asset pool token represents the ownership of the assets contained in the pool. The outstanding supply of tokens in the asset pool is proportional to the value function of the pool. If the asset deposit increases by 10% of the pool value, the outstanding supply of tokens in the asset pool also increases by 10%. This is because depositors receive 10% of the new asset pool tokens as a return on deposits. There are two ways to deposit assets in the pool in exchange for asset pool tokens or redemption pool tokens: weighted asset deposit/withdrawal, single asset deposit/withdrawal.
FllSwap project economic model
1 、FllSwap token issuance mechanism
FllSwap token is composed of FLL token and BFLL token. The main function of FLL token is to give certain mining rewards to users who provide liquidity for the fund pool. In the future, 50% of all revenues of the FllSwap platform will be directly distributed to some LP mining users as rewards, and the remaining 50% will be used for FLL repurchase and destruction. At the same time, FLL tokens also have a governance role, and governance rights mainly include FllSwap governance rights, FLL community libraries, etc. BFLL is the equity token of FllSwap, which will be a free reward for community users, and it is also the hoe of FLL, which can be digged for FLL alone.
• FLL token issuance mechanism
The total issuance of FLL tokens is 200 million, with 8 million in the initial circulation (4% of the total issuance), and the remaining 192 million are used for mining output (96% of the total issuance). The distribution ratio is as follows:
• Institution: 2 million pieces (1% of total issuance)
• DO: 5 million pieces (2.5% of the total issuance)
• Creation of liquidity pool: 1 million pieces (0.5% of the total issuance)
• Mining output: 192 million (96% of total issuance)
• BFLL token issuance mechanism
BFLL is the equity token of FllSwap, with a total issuance of 100 million. The token functions as an FLL mining hoe, which can be used to mine FLL alone. The token issuance method is as follows:
• 30 million airdrops in the community;
• 30 million airdrops to BinanceChain active DeFi users;
• AMA and other announcements issued 40 million airdrops
2、FllSwap mining form
FllSwap's mining form is divided into LP liquidity mining and other multi-mining models. FLL daily mining output is rewarded according to BinanceChain blocks, each block rewards 2 FLL, and the production is reduced by 10% every 20 days until Nissan FLL is The production cut was stopped at 20,000 pieces.
• LP mining (60% )of the total mining amount): Users can add FLL/USDT currency pairs and add FLL and USDT of equal value to the liquidity pool to obtain LP TBEN, participate in LP mining and obtain mining rewards FLL
• Community dividends (30% )of the total mining volume): This part is mainly used as a reward for community establishment in the LP area. The community founder can pay 1 BT in the LP area to create a community and invite community members to pledge mining through the community entrance. For community founders and users who mine through the community entrance, they can get additional dividends based on the original rewards.
• Lossless mining (5% )of the total mining amount): Users can participate in staking mining by staking BFLL, TPT, CSPC, USDT, WBNB and other tokens to the mining platform, and according to the personal staking amount than the whole network staking amount Proportion to get the corresponding proportion of FLL rewards.
• BFLL equity token single mining (3%): Users can participate in BFLL equity token single mining by staking BFLL to the platform, and distribute the FLL mining rewards according to the proportion of personal staking BFLL and the entire network staking BFLL
• Operation team (2%): 2% of the total daily mining output will pay for the operation of the operation team.
3、Community dividend mechanism
Community founders can pay 0.1 BNB to create a community in the LP area. Community members pledge LP through the community entrance to participate in LP liquidity mining, and users who conduct LP liquidity mining through the community entrance in addition to obtain the original LP liquidity mining In addition to 60% of the daily output of FLL, an additional 30% community dividend reward (according to the corresponding ratio) can also be obtained. Specific community dividend rules are based on the top six points of the global community ranking to get 30% of the daily output of the entire network:
• First place: (community dividend 25%: total daily mining output*30%*25%), among which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of users will pledge their own LP pledges with the community LPs The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.
• Second place: (community dividend 20%: total daily mining output*30%*20%), of which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of the users will pledge their own LP pledges with the community LPs The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.
• Third place: (community dividend 18%: total daily mining output *30%*18%), among which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of the users will pledge their own LP pledge with the community LP pledge The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.
• Fourth place: (community dividend 15%: total daily mining output *30%*15%), among which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of users will pledge their own LP pledges with the community LPs The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.
• Fifth place: (community dividend 12%: total daily mining output *30%*12%), of which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of the users are based on their own LP pledge amount and the community LP pledge The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.
• The sixth place: (community dividend 10%: total daily mining output*30%*10%), among which the community founders share 20% of the total amount of this part, and the rest of the users are based on their own LP pledge amount and the community LP pledge The proportion of the total distribution is the remaining 80%.